Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy new year 2016! In the new year, celebrates on the end of a year or the beginning of another?

Happy new year 2016! In the new year, celebrates on the end of a year or the beginning of another?

NEW YEAR - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Happy new year! When the clock strikes midnight will resound, let's leave 2015 last year we and engage in 2016 in the middle of the party favors, champagne and two braces cuts.

yet, this time, Eve will certainly have a bitter taste. Not sure what mood is the celebration of the end of a terrible year marked by bombings, the crisis of migrants, war... Unless new year's Eve is rather festive welcome a new year, hopefully fewer dark?

that celebration on exactly to the new? The end of a year or the beginning of another? This year, the question arises both there want to leave 2015 behind us.

81% of the French say in fact that the year was bad

, which is not surprising.

to welcome the first day of the year

A priori, new year's Eve and new year eve, is the celebration, as its name implies, of the upcoming year, exactly in the same way that we celebrate Christmas on the evening. Proof is the wishes of the new year that we exchange, on the one hand, clearly turned to the future: health, love, success... They are not oriented to the past but to the future.

on the other hand, the first day of the year is the opportunity to take

good resolutions

, they, again, obviously for the coming year.

we did not always celebrated the new year on January 1st. As

explains on the Point

Sophie Horay-Lungin,

magazine editor Historia

, for a long time the first year was celebrated on March 1. "It is in the 15th century, on 9 August 1564 Charles IX, by the edict of Roussillon Isere, sets 1 January as the first day of the first month of the year," she wrote. This date will still be offset at the 18th and it is Napoleon who will restore the Gregorian calendar on 1 January 1806.

Eve, also known as Eve according to the name of Pope Sylvester 1, is celebrated to welcome the first day of the new year. According to tradition, it turns on its 31 for '

porter at least one new piece the first day of the year


tradition to "happy new year" at midnight as it has long existed, the Romans already exchanging these words and kissing under the mistletoe.

even if the dates have evolved and calendars are not the same across cultures (in China and in many countries of Asia

is famous for example

lunar new year), peoples have always celebrate the arrival of the new year,

recalls Slate


if from year to year, we continue to celebrate the new year, it is, according to David Ropeik, teaching at Harvard, because it is

anchored in our deepest instincts

. When midnight rings, "we decide that it is a change that puts an end to a year and begin another, different,"

says on Psychology Today

. "This unique ticking has always led us the celebration and we still pulled out of daily activity during which we are too busy to think, look back, take stock, assess our actions and we resolve to do better in the future." "Apart from our birthdays, any time of the year hogging as much our attention", he continues.

an instant hinge to a future that we hope better

why is it so important? For David Ropeik, the symbolism of this moment summed up in three words: "survival instinct". "Phew! A new year has passed, and we're still here! ", he laughs at imager. While we take resolutions, related to our survival, for the following year: "have a life more healthy, better, longer?", he wondered.

"December 31, acts as a powerful marker in time. "It gives us the opportunity to tell us: before December 31, I was not this one or that one, from 1 January, I would be this one or that one ',

explains it on Psychology psychoanalyst Luce Janin-Devillars

. "This change in calendar allows us to master time, to decide a before and an after."

it abounds in the direction of David Ropeik, explaining that the beginning of a new year makes you want to look ahead: "we are all subject to the time that advance and leads us inevitably towards death. But the dawn of January 1 leads to another life. As if we were living a form of renaissance. Start a new year, it is to afford a bit of eternity."

you will understand: 31 in the evening, we made the balance on last year, but mostly is projected in the future. In this sense, the "new year" is aptly named. There is no doubt that this year more than any time, it is definitely towards a future less demanding that our hopes will turn.

discover in the slideshow below how the French are considering 2016 and the future:

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