Tuesday, December 8, 2015

At what age was her first child? More in later... because the unemployment

At what age was her first child? More in later... because the unemployment

unemployment - It is a French specificity, a pride. Despite the economic crisis, the french fertility rate has been able to keep. Our neighbours cannot say the same. But the figures may hide other realities. Two researchers from the Ined, Ariane Dwarakanath and Arnaud Régnier-Loilier, attempted to see to be able to better measure the impact of unemployment on the French fertility between 2005 and 2011.

their analyses, unveiled this Wednesday, December 9, show that after a period of unemployment, the desire to have a child and its realization are often delayed. A study on family and intergenerational relationships (Erfi) of large-scale, more than 10,000 men and women were questioned between 2005 and 2011. Among them, couples were questioned two or even three times on their projects of fertility.

to unemployment, the first child is not

unsurprisingly priority, couples who already had a first child in 2005 and who wanted a second have not bumped into their projects. Since the birth of their eldest child, they could check the majority of conditions to be met before becoming parents (having graduated, have a self-contained accommodation, be stable couple). Conversely, for the unemployed without children, interviewed in 2005, have a project of fertility in the short term was less part of their project and assets.

why? Firstly because the unemployed are less couple that occupied assets. When the first couple, two people have a professional activity is a "necessary condition before considering starting a family", the two researchers. Indeed, the unemployed person is not the same value depending on the time of life: as a couple, with children, the unemployed were statistically more likely to have already worked to qualify for unemployment benefits, which makes "the less uncertain future", say still Ariane Pailhé and Arnaud Régnier-Loilier.

man or woman, unemployment doesn't have the same

consequences on the other hand, the unemployed who said in 2005 wish to have a child in the next few years were less often directed this project than the employed. 25% of people who had no child at the beginning of the research and who have never stopped working had a child three years later against 8% of males and 6% of women who have experienced one or more periods of unemployment over the same period.

obviously, unemployment is not the only criterion to be taken into account to explain the realization or a project of pregnancy. However, the researchers noted that the link between unemployment experience and fertility calendar was confirmed for women. For men, the problem is otherwise. If the unemployed men are less likely to become a father for the first time, it is also because they are more often single. Indeed, for the unemployed men, the "couple" is delayed.

and this is the proof of the man who supports the needs of his made home still specimen model. "Get a steady job provides the financial resources necessary for the installation of the couple, ensure the two researchers. "Being unemployed unless effect on the couple for women development, showing that the model of human primary caregiver resources still prevails."

concerning the effects of unemployment, fertility and the decline of the arrival of the first child work on previous periods have shown that when the economic situation improves, birth follow.

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