Thursday, December 17, 2015

In this children's book, a fairy tale original where the main character is a Princess trans

In this children's book, a fairy tale original where the main character is a Princess trans

LGBT - He was once, in a very distant country, a prince who wanted to be a Princess.

The Royal Heart

, by New York writer Greg McGoon, is a fairy tale like you didn't used to see. Its main character, you will have understood it, is a transgender Princess.

published in September 2015, the book is not translated into french. In its original language, on Amazon,

it is already out of stock

. The history of this tale, beyond gender identity, is tolerance.

"it is never too early to teach tolerance to children. We live all on the same planet',

says its author, Greg McGoon, to our colleagues from the Huffington Post U.S.

. "To function healthily, we should begin to adopt this large palette of lives and experiences to overcome fear or disgust and recognize the part of us that wants to be fully accepted. If children live with the fear of not be accepted then the company missed something."

for everyone to have his "it was once"

this book, the first in a series on people lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) is important for its author, who believes that "fairy tales lack LGBTQ persons" (Q to

queer). He hoped that "everyone can have his 'once upon a time'",

tells to the Huffington Post


obviously, this book is not only for children who identify with the character. But the story, says, "can be the springboard to a discussion if need be". It is also a means for parents of a trans child, to show that they support.

for children, this fairy tale must mean above all: "Well take care not you flee yourself, not ignore you or silence the voices which is in you,"

author says. As well as "Love people for who they really are". And in the end, it ends well.

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