Saturday, December 19, 2015

How many presidents has the Fifth Republic? Test your knowledge on history

How many presidents has the Fifth Republic? Test your knowledge on history

CA MARCHE - "how many presidents has the Fifth Republic?" "What is called the King of France known as the Sun King?" These questions are asked this Saturday November 19 at Montreuil at the quiz "France in questions", organised by

mixités UNFICYP association.


the dictation of the cites

which has experienced little success, Abdellah Boison is back with a series of twenty questions on the Republican symbols. The inhabitants of this suburb of 93 will have to respond in a good hour.

the first session of this quiz was held in Argenteuil on 7 November. "It was a test that allowed me to adjust the number of questions, said Abdellah Boison, I was aiming for a hundred people, fifty more came." I closed questions, multiple choice, but young people began to seek clues, it ran in all directions, then this time, questions are open, each written answer that he wants".

at Argenteuil, the theme was French gastronomy, in Montreuil, values and history that make the France. "I chose this matter a few days after the November attacks, said Abdellah Bojic. I needed to act, my way, with the populations the most sensitive to all the questions raised by the attacks. Today, when someone pulls out a flag, told that it is a racist. I want to popularize the France and the culture so that young people no longer ashamed to sing the Marseillaise. More is known about something, more you love it. My goal to me, is to love France, to discover its advantages. Thus, avoid talking about 'integration'. These people that I see in the suburbs, Yes, they are not integrated, but not by hatred of the France, but rather by ignorance of what constitutes the backbone of this country, its history, its policy, its values. When I hear young people born in France who say they are African, I want to show them that they can feel pride from their country of birth."

Abdellah Boison yet did not part of people who hung the french flag on their window a week after the attacks. "I preferred to do a minute's silence during dictation that I was organizing the same day in Toulouse. I do not strong symbol to display a picture of its flag on Facebook. Me I want to work on the ground, among young people, these future generations who will be the France. I remain profoundly optimistic."

on the occasion of this quiz, Abdellah has agreed to submit its questions to the readers of the


at the same time that they will be put to those present at the Palais des Congress de Montreuil. So, do you know what the Marianne wearing on his head? Attention, it is gone, 20 questions, you might well dig head on the last.

also on the HuffPost:

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