Friday, December 25, 2015

Who are the French who still have no cell phone in 2015

Who are the French who still have no cell phone in 2015

telephony - 2015 will be marked with a white stone in the world of telecommunications. This year, according a

report published late November

, Credoc ago more than French equipped with a mobile phone rather than a phone fixed. Respectively, 92% of the population is equipped with a mobile device compared to 89% for his ancestor to wire.

mobile phone is obviously driven by the attractiveness of smartphones, which are now 58% of the French, compared to only 17% in 2011. If these figures are impressive, they are not especially surprising. After all, things have really changed since the launch of the


in 1991. A phone and a low-cost package cost virtually more nothing.

however, 8% of the population, or close to one in ten, didn't always laptop in 2015. Who are these people who have no network?

little graduate aged woman when looking in detail the results of the survey conducted by the Credoc, can make the composite drawing of the person most likely did not have mobile phone in 2015.

it is mostly a woman (58%) rather aged 55% of persons 70 years and more have no mobile phone. Those without access to the network live in only general (41%) or two (39%).

on the economic side, they often have no degree (43%) and have two-thirds of low income or are in the lower middle class. They live also in majority in municipalities of less than 20,000 inhabitants.

a very different profile that has no landline

kind of person with no mobile phone is actually quite similar to that with no internet at home, recalls the Credoc. These are more "often rather elderly women. It is in majority of unattached individuals, individuals with low levels of diploma. 53% are retired, with a low level of income. And finally, 31% live in a rural community,"said the research centre.

another lesson of the study: "97% of persons with no mobile phone have at least one fixed line. One in ten having a mobile has no fixed line".

and indeed, the identikit of the French who had no landline telephone by 2015 is significantly different. It is predominantly a human (53%) and rather aged 18 to 39 years. They live however they also mostly alone, or even two, have no diploma or patent and are more represented among people with low incomes.

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