Monday, December 21, 2015

VIDEOS. Foie gras ducks mutilated and their ducklings crushed in French productions filmed by L214

VIDEOS. Foie gras ducks mutilated and their ducklings crushed in French productions filmed by L214

animals - The images are still unsustainable once. After turning in hidden camera in Brittany

to highlight the crushing of the male chicks a hatchery

and Alès in the Gard

to show acts of cruelty and ill treatment reserved for the animals to the slaughterhouse

, L214 association broadcasts Monday, December 21 clips on the rearing of ducks for foie gras.

"these videos shed light on a sector that has a lot to hide",

says the spokesman for the association for the defence of animals Brigitte Gothiere


with the world

. "Producers, with great publicity, succeeded in making foie gras a product of luxury and so-called tradition, but the images show abject things and animal abuse. The grinding is certainly permitted by legislation but it should cause immediate death, which is not always the case."

one of the videos,

broadcast by developed and filmed a few days ago in the region Pays de Loire

, shows actually the sad fate of the ducklings. Males are cut off the spout to prevent assaults linked to cage aquaculture and females who do not produce as much of foie gras, are crushed. A step which they emerge sometimes mutilated but alive.

the other video, put online on YouTube of the association account, provides an overview of the conditions for ducks that lay eggs for hatcheries. Filmed in April in a farm in the Southwest, the clip shows including the exhaustion of the artificially inseminated canes and abuse they suffer.

"there is neither transparency nor traceability in this sector, so we want to show the scenes, how the product was obtained," explains Brigitte Gothière in the


which reminds that ducks intended to produce liver fat are high 40 days in chick brooders, then 40 days outdoors, before be installed in cages to be force-fed during ten days.

during this period, the animals are insert into the esophagus a pump that sends almost a "kilo of mash of corn in three to four seconds", wrote the evening newspaper. A practice that causes many health problems and kills 2% of the animals.

"in seeing these images, you can wonder about the legitimacy of a pleasure of a few seconds. Foie gras does not kill that force-fed ducks", summarizes with the


Sebastien Arsac, him also spokesperson for L214 - ethics and animals. On its website,

association open elsewhere today

petition asking the prohibition of grinding of the ducklings and calls the profession to do away with this "standard industry practice" which transforms these animals in 'hatchery waste'.

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