Tuesday, December 15, 2015

8 reasons why people who have confidence in them live differently

8 reasons why people who have confidence in them live differently

psychology - Some people have a natural ease. The other focus immediately to them. But this insurance has nothing genetics. It feeds on their way to behave on a daily basis.

it is therefore good news: This means that each of us can adopt this attitude. Here are some examples that show that safe people they approach any things in the same way as the others.

1. They are more productive

self-confidence is synonymous with energy. Studies suggest that people who have confidence in them

are more productive because their proactive attitude makes them act

. It is therefore not surprising that they seem to be perfectly comfortable in the office.

2. Their body language stimulates

confidence studies show that how we influence our State of mind. A

good posture and some

stretching can generate an energy boost, and safe people they do not deprive.

3. They sometimes doubt they

person is perfect, not even those who are naturally uncomfortable. The difference is that they are aware, and that this does not prevent to live. Studies have shown that it is essential to accept if one

wants to lead a happy existence

, but few people apply. Safe people they are not superhuman. They simply assume their imperfections, and that does not prevent to live.

4. They want to succeed

the word 'no' does not part of their vocabulary, especially when it comes to succeed.

according to a study published in the journal of Basic and Applied Social Pyschology

, self-confidence is essential in the professional world.

as explained in the magazine Fast Company

, more a person is able to visualize his goal, more it has chances to reach it.

5. They identify with a

model people who have confidence in them say constantly that they are Beyonce. Okay, okay, I might take my case for a generality but everyone can be inspired by his favorite star. A study published in the journal Personal Relationships

has also demonstrated that the fact written list of the qualities we share with an idol of the same sex

incited overtaking



-6. They have

principles they trust their reflection, without ignoring the ideas of others. Susie Moore, specialist of self-confidence, explained in a post of the


that people who trust are able to hear other points of view but still rely on their judgment.

"most people often want to do, but

are sometimes too cautious

" Conversely, safe people of them listening to what others say to them, but do not let themselves away from their goal,"she wrote.


-7. They do not fear failure

everyone knows setbacks at one time or another. Confidence is not a question of perfection, but capacity to learn from his mistakes. In addition, studies suggest that people who have

insurance appear to be smarter than the other


8. They do not hesitate to

having self-confidence assertive, dare to assert themselves. Safe people they give the impression of being uncomfortable, even if this is not the case.

as recently sang Demi Lovato

: "There's no harm in show that it has confidence in itself."

this blog, released originally on the Huffington Post American, has been translated by Bamiyan Shiff for Fast for Word.

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