Sunday, December 6, 2015

A "more authentic" version cover of Kylie Jenner in a wheelchair


&amp; lt; p &amp; gt; HANDICAP - Kylie Jenner uniformed SM was in wheelchair &amp; lt; /p &amp; gt; &amp; lt; p &amp; gt; &amp; lt; p &amp; gt; magazine cover Interview, it was really a (very) bad idea. Several days after its publication, &amp; lt; /p &amp; gt; &amp; lt; p &amp; gt; controversy continues to swell &amp; lt; p &amp; gt; and coverage remains pointed the finger, including by persons with disabilities. One of them decided to reproduce the scene, to better denounce. &amp; lt; /p &amp; gt; &lt; p &gt; Erin, 24 years old, suffers from cerebral palsy. Condemned to live in a wheelchair, she is very active on social networks and in particular on &lt; /p &gt; &lt; p &gt; &lt; p &gt; Tumblr sound where she post many videos of her daily life. It is elsewhere on his site that the young woman is expressed as to the controversial cover of Kylie Jenner, December 3 &lt; /p &gt;<p>. the publication of Erin was hailed by thousands of Internet users. Upon its release, the cliche was angered on social networks and just a few hours after,</p><p>picture Ophelia Brown, an American girl in a wheelchair, put next to the picture of the magazine had the canvas tour.</p><p>

interviewed by the American channel

, E! News


Interview Magazine

team explained his choice. "At

Interview, we are proud of our tradition of work with incredible artists and promote their bold visions. Coverage of Kylie Jenner by Steven Klein, which refers to the British artist Allen Jones, is included in this tradition", justifies the team, which ensures that its intention was obviously not offending matter. Obviously, it is missed.

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