Thursday, December 10, 2015

A beauty box to take care of her skin, her nails, her hair despite cancer

A beauty box to take care of her skin, her nails, her hair despite cancer

health - when a person is affected by cancer, simple little things can help him to cling to life. This is what was found despite it Charlotte, who was diagnosed with cancer of the ovary to 27 years, two years and a half.

this as, this young Parisian has mounted a gift for all "cancer fighters" project, the "fucked up K", as she calls it. This box, the name of 'The Fighting Kit',

for the moment the subject of participatory fundraising on Kiss Kiss Bank Bank


project is to "create essential kits to accompany cancer fighters", she explains in the introduction video (to watch at the top of this article). "When one is sick there are a lot of things that we do not control, but one can master the image it will return self."

of Add-ons to comfort

during his fight against cancer, between chemotherapy sessions and the transactions, she needed to get out of her "high head". And this happening by simple activities of daily life: taking care of her skin, her nails, to feel beautiful and worthy.

it is for this reason that, when it was announced its remission, she had the idea of launching a blog, "

Mister K fighting Kit:

"." I tells one year all my tricks, my state of mind, and every Tuesday from other 'K fighters' deliver us their testimonies,"she says to the



it had little success, what gave him want to turn tricks in kits to offer. "I realized that needs beauty, well-being, were fundamental, and that some were poorly informed about the perks that could comfort", she continues. "The idea of making real blog physically then appeared, in thinking and drawing these essential kits to smoothly accompany cancer fighters". Designer and Illustrator, she manages herself any design project.

in all, four kits are available, three for women: 'hair and eyebrows', 'foot and hands' and 'face and body'. As well as a kit for men, the "gentlemen". All are 50 or €60. "Each box responds to each 'problematic' bound to treatments," she stressed.

in addition to the classic beauty products that can be purchased in specialty stores or pharmacies, the originality of these box lies in these little more thought specially for people with cancer. Include USB keys with beauty of

tutorials blogger specializing Feminity ; JY

, turbans, booklets with personalized advice...

the idea is "to bring comfort to those who would need", she argues. "It is also, for the often poor relatives, a way to give their support to strengthen all the links, family or social - the small gesture or the stealthy glance which mean 'we are together'".

"futility is essential when one is ill"

currently, the project has collected more than €19,000 on a target of € 28,000. If all goes as planned, the boxes will be able to be marketed in January. Apart from his family and those who participated in the project, nobody could yet discover kits. But she says have so far had only benevolent returns on its project via the crowfunding page.

to those who might think that such kits are trivial compared to the severity of the disease, she replies "the futility is essential when we are sick, it is what linked you to life. Feel belle/beau to arm his fight,

it is in any case what has me souped-up every morning,"says. "When it suffered 36 chimios, 6 operations, I can tell you that the trivia are what it relates to stay fit and to give courage".

she confesses to be asked the question of the propriety of such an operation marketing around the disease. "But, in all sincerity, I think I have a certain 'legitimacy' and 'credibility'. My project is sincere, without taboo, and even the noblest causes need money to grow". And concluded: "I believe that my project resembles the solidarity world want my generation in this ocean of misfortunes".

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