Friday, January 1, 2016

VIDEO. Happy new year 2016! Eight remedies against the hangover rated out of 10

VIDEO. Happy new year 2016! Eight remedies against the hangover rated out of 10

good year 2016 - The hangover is an alarm signal. If at the time you read these lines, you live one of these difficult aftermath where even your Christmas gifts appear to have lost their interest, you understand better than anyone else. Aches, headaches and stomach, intense fatigue. What is glasses that you chained worth ending up as well?

in all cases, treat evil with evil is really not a good idea. This is what the Anglo-saxons call

the method of the "hair of the dog"

, i.e. drinking again to pass the cooked faster. "Be soul again will hide a time the effects of the hangover", conceded James Schaefer, an anthropologist specializing in research on the effects of alcohol on

metabolism interviewed by the news website scientist Live Science

"but it is a risky solution that can lead to addiction." And make last hangover the day after... Short, if there is one thing not to do, it is this one.

first and foremost, there is no miracle cure. Symptoms of an excess of alcohol are numerous and cannot be solved suddenly wand (or pill) magic. Do you know a drug that both relieves a headache, stomach, and body aches, nausea, and you gives energy? If you have already had the flu, you know that such a remedy does not exist, if it isn't time, rest and patience (a trio who also works for the hangover).

to give himself a boost, the most obvious solution would be a priori to turn to a cup of coffee. If the coffee is part of your ritual to start the day, in the event of excess alcohol, its effects will be not as beneficial on you.

caffeine has

diuretic effects that will dehydrate you further. On the other hand,

it can prove to be effective for relieving headaches

. The Café indeed blocks the effects of acetate one component of ethanol. To do well, should drink a cup of coffee four hours after the last drink of alcohol to counter the increase in the rate of acetate in the blood. Either stack hair when you were asleep.

forget the glass of orange juice that represents more drawbacks than advantages. Of course, you dream of something fresh to refuel of vitamin C. Except that your stomach does not really see things the same way. In case of hangover, it was he who decided the procedure and level acidity, it already has what it needs. So if you want to continue to live in peace with it, replace this glass of orange juice, grapefruit or other citrus.

water is your friend. Although it will not give you on foot in five minutes, she wants no harm to you what is already good. After having too much to drink you are dehydrated. Your kidneys that are working to eliminate alcohol use plenty of water. To do well should be drinking water during the evening, before bedtime and after sunrise. Additional argument, a glass of water, it may be easier to swallow than a plate filled. Each thing in its time.

this is not new, before drinking, it is better to eat. Alcohol fasted much faster passes into the blood. It will serve you for the next time. Anyway, the next day, you do not have the stomach to the feast. I'll have to force. The menu easy to digest food and products not processed. A chicken stock for instance will delight your stomach and your liver. If you manage to eat a little more, proteins like two slices of ham and a few blocks snap you a little more. In the small intestine, this dinner plate may even mix with the remnants of alcohol and dilute it. In all cases, do you trust and eat gradually.

and the aspirin in all this? A priori, it is the first thing to do. A priori only, because a large glass of water and an effervescent stamp are yet not really the best answer to your state. From the point of view pharcamologique of first, "an alcoholic should avoid the paracetamol, which is toxic for the liver,

explains a toxicologist from the poison of Lille questioned in the world

" To avoid those with cirrhosis. Aspirin is least harmful. But if the person is in good health, paracetamol is more effective." Because of its vibrant shape, aspirin when it is combined with alcohol will risk causing heartburn and acid lifts. Paracetamol, it will lodge in the liver, already weakened by alcohol and may cause injury.

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