Sunday, January 10, 2016

Tired of good resolutions for the new year? Do a detox release socket

Tired of good resolutions for the new year? Do a detox release socket

succeed otherwise - At the beginning of the year 2016, we mainly need to let go of taken, in particular in respect of this tradition of resolutions from January and especially with the guilt that follows a few months after. The real challenge is... to not make resolutions. And Mindfulness meditation can help us in this transition.

with growth of the




and nervous fatigue related to the sometimes dramatic 2015 news, we all just need to let go Jack. According to a

survey of Club Med with the CSA Institute of 2015

, over 8 French out of 10 say feel this need. 1 French out of 10 will say that letting go is "vital"; 6 French on 10 admit to feel this need at least "3 or 4 times a month"; 89% say be "rather serene" during these moments of release taken without feeling guilty.

letting go allows:

but once this fact, should take action: here are a few tracks for release decision-making.

1. Stop consciously try

On does not stop to stick to his experiences of adjectives ("super", "zero", "weird"...), going so far as to distort our experience in the moment or our memories! We can learn to become aware of these thoughts that never fail to surface at any moment, without judging and without cling there!

2. Accept, without however resign

we can learn to accommodate our emotions and experiences without trying to get rid of them or change them, observing them as they are. Thus we arrive at create space: our mind becomes spacious, and we can defuse our inner conflicts.

3. Let thoughts as clouds...

, .and release decision-making that we think we have on them, for connect us to that or that which we are really, without these often unnecessary layers. Our preferences, prejudices, likes, dislikes, stories that we tell about our past or our future often have too many rights of way on our experience of the present moment.

so that new year's resolutions are a perfect exercise to train our ability to release taken. Do not take resolutions saves us judge us too harshly, allows us to accept what is and let pass the mental clouds. The practice of mindfulness meditation (in particular following

specific programmes on letting taken as launching small bamboo in its

app) can also help us to cultivate these techniques over time.

note the true challenge to abandon the usual resolutions.

a small

survey in the Parisien

by 2015 showed that 73% of Internet users reported not wanting to take resolutions. A survey of 3,000 people at the University of Bristol in 2007 (under the direction of

Richard Wiseman

) even found that 78% of resolutions incurred earlier this year did not materialize.

forget so all together and now the usual 40 resolutions of the new year. Finished change orders in the euphoria of early this year. Take just time to let it be. Because we are perfect as we are. With our strengths and weaknesses, our qualities and defects. To impose objectives that reinforces unnecessary tensions.

meditate regularly to consolidate this first no, and train us to just be there, present, aware, moment after moment. Observing with benevolence our mental functioning, we can achieve (without attachment or particular aversion, without resistance) identify these barriers - auto-saboteurs, emotions, mental ruts... - that we tend to put on top what is, and so above our ability to us open to happiness. This insight will bring us can be (or not) to decide on small adjustments in our lives and in any case to respond conscientiously to situations that arise rather than react by automation. We offer this gift for a little more calm, serenity and lucidity.

meditate, inspired... and without resolutions!


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