Sunday, January 12, 2014


By Dana Park

Weight loss seems to be a never-ending battle for many. It takes determination and patience, qualities many lack when it comes to food. But there are other factors involved. Just what is the key to successful weight loss?

You probably can relate to this if you have watched a commercial about a medicine on television and you hear the announcer rapidly read off all of the possible side effects that will come from taking the drug. The label on the Nexium bottle will give you more of a detailed outline of what some of the side effects can be, so you can make an intelligent decision as to taking the drug, and determine whether the drug is the right one for you.

What is more, if your caloric intake is consistently too low your body actually compensate by digesting valuable muscle tissue. The body burns fat for energy, but if that fat is not available in proper proportion the body seeks other sources. In essence, it resorts to cannibalizing its own tissues in its quest for a proper source of protein. This can have a permanent effect on your metabolism because muscle burns calories at a higher rate than other tissues. For fast weight loss, and good health, it's vital to maintain lean body mass.

A low side effect profile was already present in the Prilosec, which made it an easy approval for the sale of an over-the-counter drug. This would lead us to believe that Nexium would have only minor events of side effect, if any. There is no medication that is perfect, and in this case, there are some situations to be aware of, and fortunately the side effects occur only in a few cases, which is good news.

The advantages of garcinia cambogia are due to the presence of HCA which regulates the enzyme citrate lyase that actually converts the food we take into fat. Moreover, it also controls emotions and moods helping those with stress related food habits.

Strength training directly builds up the tissue that consumes the most calories. During your strength training and recovery periods you are burning calories even as new muscle tissue is rebuilt. Studies have shown that strength training will actually impede the breakdown of muscle during brief periods of fasting. Thus, the use of weights and strength training is vital if you want to succeed in your weight loss efforts.

Another aid in shedding weight fast is green coffee bean extract. This supplement has been proven to reduce the number of calories utilized by the body from a given amount of food. In the initial clinical study patients were actually instructed NOT to diet or exercise -- and they still lost weight using this green coffee bean extract!

Other drugs taken simultaneously and with Nexium can cause certain symptoms and side effects that are negative in nature because they might interact with each other. These drugs include warfarin, voriconazole, atazanavir, and St. John's Wort. There are other interactions that are caused by combining Nexium and other drugs and your doctor should be very careful and check what you are already taking against any potential side effects with Nexium.

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