Sunday, January 10, 2016

Tired of good resolutions for the new year? Do a detox release socket

Tired of good resolutions for the new year? Do a detox release socket

succeed otherwise - At the beginning of the year 2016, we mainly need to let go of taken, in particular in respect of this tradition of resolutions from January and especially with the guilt that follows a few months after. The real challenge is... to not make resolutions. And Mindfulness meditation can help us in this transition.

with growth of the




and nervous fatigue related to the sometimes dramatic 2015 news, we all just need to let go Jack. According to a

survey of Club Med with the CSA Institute of 2015

, over 8 French out of 10 say feel this need. 1 French out of 10 will say that letting go is "vital"; 6 French on 10 admit to feel this need at least "3 or 4 times a month"; 89% say be "rather serene" during these moments of release taken without feeling guilty.

letting go allows:

but once this fact, should take action: here are a few tracks for release decision-making.

1. Stop consciously try

On does not stop to stick to his experiences of adjectives ("super", "zero", "weird"...), going so far as to distort our experience in the moment or our memories! We can learn to become aware of these thoughts that never fail to surface at any moment, without judging and without cling there!

2. Accept, without however resign

we can learn to accommodate our emotions and experiences without trying to get rid of them or change them, observing them as they are. Thus we arrive at create space: our mind becomes spacious, and we can defuse our inner conflicts.

3. Let thoughts as clouds...

, .and release decision-making that we think we have on them, for connect us to that or that which we are really, without these often unnecessary layers. Our preferences, prejudices, likes, dislikes, stories that we tell about our past or our future often have too many rights of way on our experience of the present moment.

so that new year's resolutions are a perfect exercise to train our ability to release taken. Do not take resolutions saves us judge us too harshly, allows us to accept what is and let pass the mental clouds. The practice of mindfulness meditation (in particular following

specific programmes on letting taken as launching small bamboo in its

app) can also help us to cultivate these techniques over time.

note the true challenge to abandon the usual resolutions.

a small

survey in the Parisien

by 2015 showed that 73% of Internet users reported not wanting to take resolutions. A survey of 3,000 people at the University of Bristol in 2007 (under the direction of

Richard Wiseman

) even found that 78% of resolutions incurred earlier this year did not materialize.

forget so all together and now the usual 40 resolutions of the new year. Finished change orders in the euphoria of early this year. Take just time to let it be. Because we are perfect as we are. With our strengths and weaknesses, our qualities and defects. To impose objectives that reinforces unnecessary tensions.

meditate regularly to consolidate this first no, and train us to just be there, present, aware, moment after moment. Observing with benevolence our mental functioning, we can achieve (without attachment or particular aversion, without resistance) identify these barriers - auto-saboteurs, emotions, mental ruts... - that we tend to put on top what is, and so above our ability to us open to happiness. This insight will bring us can be (or not) to decide on small adjustments in our lives and in any case to respond conscientiously to situations that arise rather than react by automation. We offer this gift for a little more calm, serenity and lucidity.

meditate, inspired... and without resolutions!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

The vegetarian raclette for Dummies

The vegetarian raclette for Dummies

power - Tonight, it's vegetarian raclette! Raclette what? But it does mean that there is really no sausage?

do not panic: this is quite possible. It is very good and just as easy to prepare. Moreover, it seems that the original raclette recipe was in a mixture of cheese to scrape and potatoes. The association with the deli would have appeared more recently, with our devices consisting of raclettes and pans.

whatever, here are some ideas of recipes so you can impress your friends. Promised, they will love.

it is very simple and requires no technical expertise. Simply cut the vegetables of your choice and grill them on the Stone grill of your device to raclette.

Vegecarib blog offers a very complete list of vegetables that will delight all taste buds: Eggplant, Zucchini, broccoli, peppers, artichoke hearts... It's simple: everything is possible! To have tested it many times, even if it is not at all the season, I personally recommend the red peppers which blend perfectly with the raclette cheese.

a well-known recipe for raclette is however the basis of broccoli, which can be dragged directly into the skillet with the cheese. As you can see, it looks very good.

another variant,

proposed by 'the minute practical'

: raclette at the julienne of vegetables and... goat (instead of the traditional raclette cheese) cheese.

be crazy, dare replace the potatoes and other starchy or even by add more! Slices of bread, blinis, slabs of cereals or polenta are

as many options offered by the site Vegecarib


a little more daring, the idea of breaking an egg and cook it in the skillet with the cheese. It comes from a recipe that is not vegetarian,

PtitChef site.

you can also choose one finer:

quail eggs. All small, perfect to not invade the cheese!

for a few months,

tends to

flexitarisme. It concerns persons who do not want to stop eating meat but who wish to have a more reasonable consumption. These, perhaps more than vegetarians, would want to keep all meat, taste, texture, smell, except its essence of being an animal product. These products reproducing the meat exist, so-called "faux-meat".

sausage, ham, salami, in specialty stores or on the internet, you will find all kinds of products butchers 'fauna'. For like as if!

everything is said in the title. Peel a few pears, cut in small pieces and heat them with cheese in the skillet.

PtitChef site recommends spraying the final result of dressing made from honey, cider vinegar, walnut oil, salt and pepper, as well as roasted almonds.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Our allergies come from genes inherited from Neanderthal man

Our allergies come from genes inherited from Neanderthal man

health - Allergies afflicting modern man would come from inherited genes of Neanderthals and Denisovians, extinct cousins of humans,

following crosses with these species there are approximately 40,000

years, revealed Thursday two studies.

these prehistoric couplings are that all modern humans with the exception of Africans have inherited from 1 to 6% of genes of ancient hominid as the Denisova and Neanderthal man, tribes who lived in Siberia.

three of these genes are among those from these two species, the most common found in modern men and play an important role in the immune system, explain these two studies published in the journal

American Journal of Human Genetics


immune excessive sensitivity this discovery suggests that genetic inheritance confers an advantage in the evolution of humans in boosting their immune system.

but these genes are also responsible for excessive sensitivity of the immune system, which causes allergies. Holders are thus more prone to asthma, hay fever and other allergies.

these genes themselves are probably transmitted to modern humans when the first groups have left Africa there are about 50,000 years to come to Europe. They had sex with Neanderthals already established in Eurasia.

"our study shows that crosses with archaic humans have had practical implications for modern humans, whose most obvious has been our adaptation to the environment by improving our resistance to pathogens and our metabolism to digest new food," says Janet Kelso, of the Max Planck Institute in Germany, lead author of one of the studies.

adaptation to the climate and

food "the Neanderthals lived in Europe and Western Asia for 200,000 years before the arrival of modern humans." "They were probably well adapted to the climate, food and pathogens and mating with them, us modern humans have inherited from these advantageous adaptations", she continues.

Janet Kelso has scanned the genomes of modern humans to detect genes of Neanderthals or human from Denisova. Two of the three genes of the immune system corresponded to DNA from Neanderthal and the third to that of Denisova.

the most common of these genes was found in any newly population, the second especially among Asians and the third, rarer and more similar to the Denisova DNA in a small group of Asians.

Dr Quintana-Murci, of the Pasteur Institute in Paris and lead author of the second study, studied 1500 active genes in the immune system. It was determined that most adaptations occurred 6000-13,000 years ago, when humans went from lifestyle hunter-gatherer to agriculture.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

VIDEO. She films the plight of her husband suffering from Alzheimer's disease

VIDEO. She films the plight of her husband suffering from Alzheimer's disease

health - Achieved two years of Alzheimer's disease, Alan Beamer, alias "Beam" saw his health deteriorate rapidly in the past months. More than loss memory however, is the solitude that weighs in at this father inhabitant of Michigan, in the United States. Distress which wanted to witness his wife, Mary Beth, with their loved ones taking the camera to

filming the heartbreaking appeal of her husband (see the video above)


the old man thus entrusts his sadness no longer see his friends, who have would be away due to his illness. Posted on the

page Facebook

, MaryBeth Beamer, this call has already been seen more than 60 000 times in a few days, and the couple has collected hundreds of messages of support on the part of Internet users.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

VIDEO. NAP lovers go tearing this sweat to inflatable hood

VIDEO. NAP lovers go tearing this sweat to inflatable hood

unusual - You want to take a break but your cozy bed is away from you? This sweat is perhaps the solution for you and all lovers of the NAP.

this boilerplate sweat named Hypnos, has a little extra: his hood is inflatable and thus to take a NAP comfortably in the plane, train or bus for example. Just blow into the opening into the hood for inflating small pillow and create a NAP.

this good idea is not yet available in store at the corner of the street. But you can finance it

on Kickstarter

and pre-order it for 49 dollars (slightly more than 45 euros).

» see also on the Huffpost:

Monday, January 4, 2016

The letter of motivation of this student looking for an internship in communication is great

The letter of motivation of this student looking for an internship in communication is great

Office life - often painful to write that to read, the cover letter is not our favorite letter. Fortunately some have good ideas to imagine new.

this is the case of Youcef Bobby, 20 years.

this communication

a student got the idea to build his letter from tweets. And it has not used its messages on the social network (too easy). Youcef Bobby resumed tweets from strangers, he searched, selected and organised on his account in a day.

here is the result.

if you are a lover of marketing and communication, the method said it certainly something. It is indeed a nod to

the campaign the Agency Fred ; Farid to Biocoop

. By 2015, advertisers had the idea to recycle tweets for a message and make the com ' eco-responsible.

"I wanted to inspire me for this campaign to apply in the Agency Fred ; Farid", informed the


Youcef Bobby. The young man indeed hopes to attract the attention of the prestigious agency that it has arrested on Twitter (unanswered for now) but also aspires to work for Buzzman, Havas, Lagardère Active, grace, Ogilvy, Publicis and TBWA...

before this letter of motivation Twitter, Youcef Bobby had already made an attempt to original application. An obligatory when one wants to work in the com'? "For me it brings added value on a nomination. With the multitude of applications received by agencies and brands, I think a little originality to stand", considers the student.

if the letter from Youcef Bobby has typed in the eye, you can easily find on Twitter


LinkedIn or


Saturday, January 2, 2016

Winter sales: 10 commandments to follow to the letter to be ready the day J

Winter sales: 10 commandments to follow to the letter to be ready the day J

balances - The day J will not delay. This Saturday, January 2, 2016 mark the beginning of winter in Lorraine

balances, is four days before the opening of

balances in the rest of the country


and if you are one of those French who are preparing to rush in the stores starting next Wednesday,

the HuffPost

offers you to follow a few tips in advance in the form of commandments to be well prepared for what awaits you:

before rush you in shops, first check the State of bank account to avoid unpleasant surprises. You always attach a budget not to exceed.

balances at attractive prices, this is the best way of blowing its budget within a few hours. To avoid ending up in the red after a wave of compulsive shopping, make a list of the essential things you need. Think for example to sort in your dressing room.

to not get lost in the beautiful middle of a jungle of clients to the nerves, think to take a ride in the stores first and do the tracking on the net. You'll be more organized and lose less time to run right to left.

do not waste your time on the new collections of the brands that are never fulfilled. You will have all the time to buy these clothes during the year.

choose a comfortable outfit, with quick to remove clothing. You will earn a crazy time in booths to try, the most formidable test of balances. Preferred remains often the simplest: leggings and a dress-sweater for girls, shorts or sport pants and a tee shirt for boys. On the side of shoes, prefer shoes flat and easy to remove type ballerinas for the girls and boys tennis.

wear jewellery the day of balances is a sacred risk. You would quickly to lose in fitting rooms or stuck them in clothes and damaging them. And if you want to try out new, this will be always more practical.

the shoulder bag is perfect for the occasion, more practical and less cumbersome to carry as a large tote bag. Don't forget to slip the most important: your wallet and more importantly, your loyalty cards.

if you plan to do a lot of purchase, remember to take someone with you. Officially to spend some time with this person, unofficially because this will make a huge service to you when you have ten bags to carry.

balances can be a real marathon. It generally must go to several dozen stores before falling on the rare Pearl. So think you moisturize. But don't drink too much if you have a too small bladder, Pee every 10 minutes break will significantly slow your cruising speed.

it is imperative. With each purchase, put in place safe your receipt. You will need it for two reasons: to make an inventory of everything you buy today (and know where is your bank account) and especially in the case of a problem with the article...

Friday, January 1, 2016

VIDEO. Happy new year 2016! Eight remedies against the hangover rated out of 10

VIDEO. Happy new year 2016! Eight remedies against the hangover rated out of 10

good year 2016 - The hangover is an alarm signal. If at the time you read these lines, you live one of these difficult aftermath where even your Christmas gifts appear to have lost their interest, you understand better than anyone else. Aches, headaches and stomach, intense fatigue. What is glasses that you chained worth ending up as well?

in all cases, treat evil with evil is really not a good idea. This is what the Anglo-saxons call

the method of the "hair of the dog"

, i.e. drinking again to pass the cooked faster. "Be soul again will hide a time the effects of the hangover", conceded James Schaefer, an anthropologist specializing in research on the effects of alcohol on

metabolism interviewed by the news website scientist Live Science

"but it is a risky solution that can lead to addiction." And make last hangover the day after... Short, if there is one thing not to do, it is this one.

first and foremost, there is no miracle cure. Symptoms of an excess of alcohol are numerous and cannot be solved suddenly wand (or pill) magic. Do you know a drug that both relieves a headache, stomach, and body aches, nausea, and you gives energy? If you have already had the flu, you know that such a remedy does not exist, if it isn't time, rest and patience (a trio who also works for the hangover).

to give himself a boost, the most obvious solution would be a priori to turn to a cup of coffee. If the coffee is part of your ritual to start the day, in the event of excess alcohol, its effects will be not as beneficial on you.

caffeine has

diuretic effects that will dehydrate you further. On the other hand,

it can prove to be effective for relieving headaches

. The Café indeed blocks the effects of acetate one component of ethanol. To do well, should drink a cup of coffee four hours after the last drink of alcohol to counter the increase in the rate of acetate in the blood. Either stack hair when you were asleep.

forget the glass of orange juice that represents more drawbacks than advantages. Of course, you dream of something fresh to refuel of vitamin C. Except that your stomach does not really see things the same way. In case of hangover, it was he who decided the procedure and level acidity, it already has what it needs. So if you want to continue to live in peace with it, replace this glass of orange juice, grapefruit or other citrus.

water is your friend. Although it will not give you on foot in five minutes, she wants no harm to you what is already good. After having too much to drink you are dehydrated. Your kidneys that are working to eliminate alcohol use plenty of water. To do well should be drinking water during the evening, before bedtime and after sunrise. Additional argument, a glass of water, it may be easier to swallow than a plate filled. Each thing in its time.

this is not new, before drinking, it is better to eat. Alcohol fasted much faster passes into the blood. It will serve you for the next time. Anyway, the next day, you do not have the stomach to the feast. I'll have to force. The menu easy to digest food and products not processed. A chicken stock for instance will delight your stomach and your liver. If you manage to eat a little more, proteins like two slices of ham and a few blocks snap you a little more. In the small intestine, this dinner plate may even mix with the remnants of alcohol and dilute it. In all cases, do you trust and eat gradually.

and the aspirin in all this? A priori, it is the first thing to do. A priori only, because a large glass of water and an effervescent stamp are yet not really the best answer to your state. From the point of view pharcamologique of first, "an alcoholic should avoid the paracetamol, which is toxic for the liver,

explains a toxicologist from the poison of Lille questioned in the world

" To avoid those with cirrhosis. Aspirin is least harmful. But if the person is in good health, paracetamol is more effective." Because of its vibrant shape, aspirin when it is combined with alcohol will risk causing heartburn and acid lifts. Paracetamol, it will lodge in the liver, already weakened by alcohol and may cause injury.