Friday, August 23, 2013

How I Natural Tanning Lotion Can Speed Up Your Tan Naturally

By Haywood Hunter There are a lot of benefits with sunlight provided you go outside for a reasonable amount of time. An hour of exposure gives the body increased levels of Vitamin D and creates a nice looking tan that people will often remark favourably upon! However some people may not be able to get this through walking outside but will still want to get the sun kissed look that suggests they enjoy time out in the sun. One way of doing this is with I Natural Tanning Lotion. As the name suggests these are products that use only natural ingredients. Some people may wonder why this is particularly important. The first is that these are often ingredients that have been known about for centuries as being beneficial for the skin, such as tea tree oil and so forth. Indoor lotions are often useful because they tend to mainly use natural ingredients that are safe for the skin. Ingredients that are often used include tea oil, various copper based compounds or green tea extract. This is contra


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