Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Advantages Of Fasting To Tone And Lose Weight

By Deborah Singer

Fasting to tone and lose weight is a great idea. It will help you to drop pounds, but this does not mean that all the weight you lose will stay off. You should be aware of the effects of abstinence on your body, and remain committed. This will allow you to keep most of the weight off.

It is necessary to change your mental and emotional attitudes to reverse the effects of your normal diet on your body. Abstinence is viewed as a 'start-over' method which benefits your taste buds. Your body will get rid of all the chemicals and impurities found in food and allow your taste buds to do its job. You have the option of different fasting methods.

The type of fast you choose is dependent on your lifestyle, goals, body chemistry and health issues. You may choose one method today and find it appropriate, however, you may opt for a different one tomorrow. The dry method is also known as Hebrew Fast, Black Fast and Absolute Fast. This is the most extreme method of abstinence. It comes from a spiritual base and is undertaken by foregoing water and food for short periods of time. Although this method is not always the recommended first choice, it is an interesting choice.

When you choose a liquid fast, it means that you will only consume liquids for a stipulated time period. Water fasts are the simplest in this category. It offers you physical therapeutic advantages over a short period of time. This method initiates detoxification very rapidly. You should bear in mind that this method can be very restrictive for beginners to fasting.

A popular liquid method is juicing. It offers the individual a natural and pure form of detoxification. The Lemonade and Master Cleanse diets have become very popular in recent years. Calories are gained from the pure maple syrup that is added to the diet. It is also said to be important for intestinal cleansing.

An alternative is a partial method which still includes a certain amount of solid food. This diet does not place importance on the amount of food you consume. The exclusion or limitation of certain food types is the reason why it is called a partial method. One of the partial fasting methods is the rice diet.

The length of time you set aside for your fast is important. Three day fasts have proven popular as it can be done over a weekend. If you are a newcomer to abstinence, you should consider an easy to accomplish one day fast. This will give you the opportunity to learn how your body reacts to this change. Your total abstinence period should include the initial transition period when you are moving away from your normal diet. It should also include the period after the actual fast when you slowly return to a normal diet.

The different methods offer you an opportunity for healthy weight loss. Toning your body once you have lost the weight will require suitable daily exercise. You may not have sufficient energy during your fasting period to do these exercises, but this will depend on how your body reacts to the fasting method.

About the Author:

via http://health-and-beauty-tips-and-tutorials.blogspot.com

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