Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Meditation = Better Attitudes, Healthier Bodies and Hotter Sex

http://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png Mindfulness seems to be all the rage now, and it is a pleasant surprise how mainstream meditation is becoming. More and more people are tuning into meditation, from Anderson Cooper's television experience with a mindfulness retreat to groups like Operation Warrior Wellness, which focus on bringing stress-reducing techniques to veterans and their families with PTSD. It's encouraging to see these traditional practices gaining traction in today's modern world.

Many people know the benefits that meditation can create, from less stress to more clear thoughts. But there are tons of other benefits, that are a little out of the box, that a dedicated meditation practice can create. Mindfulness is the state of being conscious. Modern mindfulness is creating conscious moments in today's crazy world. With modern mindfulness, the act of taking 10 minutes a day can produce results that the average everyday person can appreciate who may not necessarily have time or desire to meditate on a mountain top! Here are four out-of-the-box benefits meditation can create from a modern mindfulness perspective:

1. Be Nice

Tired of having a bitchy attitude? Meditation can help you incorporate more kindness to your life. Studies have shown that meditation encourages laughter, empathy and connection with others and can actually re-wire your brain for more happiness. With meditation, you are creating a deep level of focus and by focusing on happiness and kindness, more of these attributes will show up in your life on a daily basis.

2. Eat Healthier

Meditation is linked to better eating habits and decreased emotional eating. When you are mindful, you are more aware of what kinds of foods you are eating to fuel your body and become more sensitive to the flavors and textures of different kinds of foods. Presence with eating will allow you to appreciate food even more by tasting each bite, as opposed to shoveling down a meal.

3. Fountain of Youth

There is no youth in a bottle, pill, or cream, but meditation can have influence on an individual's biological age, which can translate to a more youthful appearance. Meditation can also aid with memory and may help diminish age-related deterioration of the brain. So 37 could be the new 23, through a meditation practice to invigorate the mind on a physical and mental level.

4. Hotter Sex

Meditation teaches the concept of being more present in relationships, intimate relationships included. Individuals who meditate are often more in tune to to themselves and will approach others with presence at a deeper physical and mental level. This presence creates a great boost in arousal and behind closed doors activities. Ready to start meditating now?

Meditation is amazing for so many reasons and does not need to be complicated. Ten minutes a day of quiet reflection can be a game changer to incorporate more happiness and life fulfillment on many different levels. Start your practice today!

Melissa Escaro is a modern mindfulness coach and author. She believes in the power of intentional thought, that our thoughts create our reality, and that we have the power to create a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment, and shares this with others through her work. She has a slight obsession of hats and loves firewalking. Melissa is the author of In10tions: A Mindset Reset Guide to Happiness. www.melissaescaro.com

Join Melissa on Facebook for daily inspiration and modern mindfulness tips for personal and professional excellence.

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from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/healthy-living/

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