Thursday, April 9, 2015

Are You a Lady-in-Waiting? I see it all the time with my private coaching clients...

They're convinced that in order to be worthy of the life they want, they need to lose weight.

They're convinced that they're somehow "not enough" as they are and if they just lose those extra pounds they'll magically start feeling worthy of being happy and loveable.

They're convinced that it's their weight that's keeping them from having everything they desire.

They're convinced that they can't indulge in delicious food because their friends, family, and coworkers are judging what they put in their mouth.

Sound familiar?

Well here's a little secret -- none of the beliefs above (that feel so real) are actually true. Here's the truth:

You can't hate your body into being thin.

You can't believe that you're unworthy while you suffer through a diet and then also believe that you'll somehow feel worthy once the diet is over.

You can't wait on the weight and watch your life pass you by and think you'll feel inspired to do something about it.

You have to start living the life you want today, not 20 fewer pounds from now.

If you fill your life with things you love, you won't fill your mouth to fill the void.

The key is to live your life as if you were already the weight you want to be. What are you waiting to do until you lose weight?

Are you waiting on your weight before you....

Join a dating website

Ask for a promotion at work

Try that new French recipe that looks scrumptious

Buy yourself an outfit you feel good in

End your dead end relationship

Try that new dance class

Schedule that beach vacation

Choose three things you can do right now that you find yourself waiting on.

It might feel a little awkward and even scary but you'll survive. You'll not only survive but you'll see that as you fill the void in your life with pleasurable experiences, the need to stuff down your feelings of unworthiness, sadness, and anxiety will naturally begin to dissipate.

What would your life look like if you stopped waiting and started living?

It can often feel like we're alone in this struggle of not feeling like we're enough and that there's no one who truly understands what we're going through. The truth is there's a whole community of women who understand firsthand, myself included, and who are ready to support you on your journey. For more inspiration and to join this free community go here.

Written by Silvana Perelli, Weight Loss & Life Coach. She's the founder of, an online playground for women to find inspiration, support, and community. For more inspiration you can sign up for free updates on her website and follow her on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.

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