Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Wild One

http://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png I'm not the prettiest,

I'm not the smartest,

I'm no way near the funniest,

Reality bites, but your lips linger

not as long as your smell,

but locked, locked in my memories,

Your reality is,

you wanted,

what you wanted,

not because you wanted it,

but because you were conditioned to it,

I am the first,

I am the moment,

That crushes your reality,

That bites your lip back, HARD,

That lets my smell linger,

A little rough around the edges,

I'm not the prettiest,

I'm not the smartest,

No way near the funniest,

I am the moment,

I am beyond your conditioning,

I am not the way you dream, nor am I the nightmare,

I am some where in between,

without the pinning down,

your faith is all you have,

for when you think you have me,

I am beyond,

when you think it's perfect,

it's broken,

you can define me all you want,

with the hope that I'll be wanted

I may let you,

but reality releases something different...

I am the moment,

I am beyond your conditioning,

I won't tell you what you want to hear,

I'll tell you the space in between,

Let's linger together here and now,

you'll love me anyway,

and I'll love you all the way,

I hope you'll embrace me, the way that I am,

I am the this moment,

I am beyond your conditioning,

I am the wild one.

from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/healthy-living/

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