Saturday, March 7, 2015

So When Is Daylight Saving Time Again? Remember To Spring Forward On March 8 This Sunday, March 8 marks the dreaded "spring forward" incarnation of Daylight Saving Time.

Yes, many of us will lose an hour of sleep as our clocks skip forward come 2:00 a.m., and you'll want to make sure to take care of yourself. Those lost 60 minutes can have a striking impact the following Monday -- "the number of car crashes increases... more people have heart attacks and get injured at work, and workers who are physically safe are likely wasting more time than usual online," according to HuffPost Healthy Living.

But the good news is that this dreaded winter is that much closer to an end, and there's so much Spring to look forward to.

Like the flowers, including the spectacular tulip festival in Washington's Skagit Valley.

tulip festival

tulip festival

The trees start to get leaves again, and the everything in nature turns bright green.

trees spring

Oh, and the cherry blossoms. You can't forget about the cherry blossoms.

cherry blossoms dc

There are baby animals everywhere.


And farmers' markets open up shop again.

farmers market

With tables loaded full of spring vegetables (perfect for your Meatless Monday recipes.)

spring vegetables

So yes, Daylight Saving Time may be a little awful, but a new season is just around the corner... March 20 to be exact.


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