Monday, February 23, 2015

A Snow Day Reflection This week, I was going to write my usual health column, but then I decided to take a "snow day." Yet, soon, I realized that the snow and ice we have experienced was not hindering the path from my bedroom to the computer room, nor was the snow preventing bloggers from blogging, or editors from editing.

So here it is. 2015-02-21-Unknown.jpeg

As a child, in Boston, I remember the two weeks of snow days I had during the Blizzard of '78. We played bridge, drank hot chocolate and shoveled snow, until the plows shoved the snow back onto our driveway, and then we went out in the frigid weather to shovel the snow again.

On my snow day, last week, I played cards and board games with my children and my parents, watched marathon sessions of West Wing on Netflix and consumed warm fresh baked cookies. A snow day is like the short-term pleasure of eating a chocolate, while overlooking the guilt of weight-gain.

A snow day gives us the pleasure of a Sunday on a weekday, and a vacation day on a working day.

A snow day makes us realize how physically interconnected we are, how much the environment matters and how much the local community matters, even in the Internet age. And as climate change happens, we are really up the creek unless we learn to adapt quickly.

A snow day brings the beauty of Mother Nature: a soft white carpet covering the brown black asphalt in the morning; barren boughs of trees coated with a film of ice crystals that glisten in the afternoon sun. -- things we would not notice otherwise on a weekday.

A snow day is fun unless you are travelling, or an airport employee or of course work in an emergency room. I wonder if retired people enjoy snow days, as much as kids, and working people.

Like a "knock-knock" joke, I asked my high-school-aged, snow day loving, son "What's better than one snow day?"

"I don't know." He said.

"Two and three snow days." And that is what we got last week.

I hope you enjoyed your snow days. I certainly have.


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