Saturday, November 29, 2014

Feasting and fasting - Meridian Star

Feasting and fasting

Meridian Star

I can recommend fasting to you because I have practiced it. It always resulted in profound changes in my life. Early in my walk with Christ, I would fast both breakfast and lunch on Wednesdays and Fridays until mid afternoon. John Wesley would not ...

Brain Workout: weekly fasting protects against brain disease - The Raw Food World News

The Raw Food World News

Brain Workout: weekly fasting protects against brain disease

The Raw Food World News

(TRFW News) New research, from the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, reveals that intermittent fasting yields unforeseen benefits for brain health. Just two days of calorie restriction per week could delay the onset of degenerative conditions ...

Friday, November 28, 2014

Mohamed Bendary wills himself through adversity, fasting, for basketball ... -

Mohamed Bendary wills himself through adversity, fasting, for basketball ...

After seeing limited playing time last season, Bendary worked tirelessly all summer with St. Anthony assistant coach Dan Murphy to improve his shooting, footwork and knowledge of the game, all while fasting. In the end, after strong performances at the ...

Does Intermittent Fasting Have Benefits? Science Suggests Yes - Yahoo News

Does Intermittent Fasting Have Benefits? Science Suggests Yes

Yahoo News

Instead of eating three square meals a day, an eating schedule that involves "intermittent fasting" could help fight not just obesity but many related diseases of modern life, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's, researchers say ...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Can fasting boost your immunity? - Longevity LIVE

Longevity LIVE

Can fasting boost your immunity?

Longevity LIVE

When it comes to boosting your immunity, Scientists have discovered a breakthrough that has been described as remarkable. The new study reveals that fasting for as little as three days can regenerate the entire immune system, even in the elderly. This ...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The fasting track to excellent health - Times LIVE

The fasting track to excellent health

Times LIVE

Fasting regimes such as the 5:2 diet could help the body guard against diseases including cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's. Save & Share. Email · Print. Eating three meals a day plus snacks is "abnormal" in terms of human evolution and is at odds with ...

Fasting not feasting - Christian Aid (blog)

Fasting not feasting

Christian Aid (blog)

It falls on the first day of the UN climate conference in Lima, we mark one year since the fasting movement was born and it's one year until leaders need to sign a binding climate deal at their conference in Paris. 1 December will see the biggest ...

Does Intermittent Fasting Have Benefits? Science Suggests Yes - Live Science

Does Intermittent Fasting Have Benefits? Science Suggests Yes

Live Science

Instead of eating three square meals a day, an eating schedule that involves "intermittent fasting" could help fight not just obesity but many related diseases of modern life, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's, researchers say ...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Fasting During Festivals Good for Brain, to Boost Memory, Learning Skills: Study - Microfinance Monitor

Fasting During Festivals Good for Brain, to Boost Memory, Learning Skills: Study

Microfinance Monitor

Exercise tops the list of recommendations of neruologists for long but now they are adding occasional fasting, which is not new to Indians who observe fasting on festivals, especially during the Shivratri among others. New research shows that fasting ...

Fasting Plus Exercising May Boost Your Brain's Neurons - Beta Wired

Fasting Plus Exercising May Boost Your Brain's Neurons

Beta Wired

brain-food Forget about “food for thought”, a new research shows that the best food for your brain may be none whatsoever. This research studies how the intermittent fasting and exercising can show some surprising brain benefits in depriving yourself ...

Friday, November 21, 2014

Exercise Plus Fasting May Boost Brain's Neurons - Discovery News

Discovery News

Exercise Plus Fasting May Boost Brain's Neurons

Discovery News

Forget what you've heard about "brain food"...turns out, the best food for your brain may be none at all. New research on intermittent fasting and exercise show some surprising brain benefits of depriving yourself of calories -- at least occasionally ...

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Launch Into Life Mastery Thru Giving/Receiving, Fasting/Prayer - WomensRadio

Launch Into Life Mastery Thru Giving/Receiving, Fasting/Prayer


Dr Leslie and Nathan are joined by Jill Mattson as they explore the power of fasting and the effects on health that this practice of abstinence can bring. Fasting can be a means of demonstrating faith, focusing the body/mind, and an opportunity for ...

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Research suggests intermittent fasting provides health benefits - Medical Xpress

Medical Xpress

Research suggests intermittent fasting provides health benefits

Medical Xpress

To provide evidence that intermittent fasting is healthier than eating three times a day or eating at will, the team looked at research on animals and humans. They found that mice allowed to eat high fat food at any time become obese. However, mice ...

Monday, November 17, 2014

Benefits of Fasting: Cultural Connotation and Health Perspective -

Benefits of Fasting: Cultural Connotation and Health Perspective

This practice of fasting is called upavas, which means “residing close to oneself.” Indians fast on several occasions including karva chaut, meaning “karva” another word for pot and “chaut” referring to the occurrence of the festival on the fourth day ...

Humans did not evolve to eat three meals a day - scientists reveal new insight ... - TVNZ

Humans did not evolve to eat three meals a day - scientists reveal new insight ...


The paper collates studies on different kinds of diets, including restricting the number of calories in each meal, restricting eating to 4-6 hour window each day, and fasting or 'intermittent energy restriction' - for example the so-called 5:2 diet ...

Famine or Feast? - New York Times (blog)

New York Times (blog)

Famine or Feast?

New York Times (blog)

The Germans have always been goofy about health cures — affusions, colonics, fasts — and they want a setting that matches the rigor of the treatment. There are thermal spas in the Swiss Alps, and the Mayr clinics in Austria, where they perform deep ...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Students spend 27 hours fasting to raise awareness for human trafficking - The DePauw

Students spend 27 hours fasting to raise awareness for human trafficking

The DePauw

Fasting has been a means of protest for centuries, and DePauw University students recently undertook the challenge on campus to spread the word against slavery. On Friday, Nov. 7, DePauw's International Justice Mission (IJM) organized an event called ...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Inside Iraq: “I cry every day. I pray and I am fasting. I am simply hoping…” - Patheos (blog)

Patheos (blog)

Inside Iraq: “I cry every day. I pray and I am fasting. I am simply hoping…”

Patheos (blog)

“I pray and I am fasting, but still there is no sign of him so I am simply hoping.” Tissa Raffo, 34, who was paralyzed in 2006 when she was caught in the crossfire between U.S. forces and insurgents, suffered disturbing flashbacks as she and her family ...

But God - Why fasting? - White Mountain Independent

But God - Why fasting?

White Mountain Independent

Why fasting? It's been a common way of giving resources to others while sacrificially giving of oneself. Jesus fasted, and so did other noted figures, like John Wesley, Mahatma Gandhi and Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ. In fact, Bill wrote a ...

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Alternate Day Fasting Effectiveness Not Affected By Meal Timing - HCPLive

Alternate Day Fasting Effectiveness Not Affected By Meal Timing


Alternate day fasting (ADF) can be an effective weight loss strategy, but optimal meal timing on fast days has not been thoroughly examined. Kristin Hoddy, graduate student in the Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition at the University of Illinois ...

Friday, November 7, 2014

But God - Why fasting? - White Mountain Independent

But God - Why fasting?

White Mountain Independent

Why fasting? It's been a common way of giving resources to others while sacrificially giving of oneself. Jesus fasted, and so did other noted figures, like John Wesley, Mahatma Gandhi and Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ. In fact, Bill wrote a ...

Liberian Christians unite in fasting in response to Ebola - Church Times

Liberian Christians unite in fasting in response to Ebola

Church Times

We have done multiple fasts in recent times . . . and we will do many more when required." Mr Benito, speaking at a news conference reported by Reuters, said that "Ebola is a virus from the devil. It's killing us because we have turned our back on God ...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Liberian Christians unite in fasting in response to Ebola - Church Times

Liberian Christians unite in fasting in response to Ebola

Church Times

We have done multiple fasts in recent times . . . and we will do many more when required." Mr Benito, speaking at a news conference reported by Reuters, said that "Ebola is a virus from the devil. It's killing us because we have turned our back on God ...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Do Patients With Diabetes Need to Fast for Lipid Tests? - Medscape

Do Patients With Diabetes Need to Fast for Lipid Tests?


Moreover, they say, fasting is inconvenient and can even be dangerous, because of the risk for hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes and in those with type 2 diabetes who use insulin or sulfonylureas (Diabetes Care. 2011;34:e52). But on the ...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fasting For Democracy - Why I've Given Up Food to Fight Corruption - Truth-Out

Fasting For Democracy - Why I've Given Up Food to Fight Corruption


Fasting is a weapon that anyone can wield — it's requirements are only a living body and a determined will. Indeed, while the epic fasts of historic leaders like Gandhi and Cesar Chavez are best known, ordinary people have put this tool to powerful ...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Mother: Fasting son 'forced' to eat lunch at school - Hesperia Star

Mother: Fasting son 'forced' to eat lunch at school

Hesperia Star

HESPERIA — A Hesperia parent claims her 11-year-old son's religious rights were violated when employees at Lime Street Elementary “forced” him to eat lunch while he was participating in a religious fast, while the school district denied the allegations.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

National Day of Fasting Mobilizes Anti-Corruption Vote - (press release)

National Day of Fasting Mobilizes Anti-Corruption Vote (press release)

LA, SF, NYC, Houston, Sacramento - Dozens of citizen activists with 99Rise are fasting today in solidarity with co-founder Kai Newkirk, who is 15 days into an 18-day water-only fast. Newkirk and others are completely forgoing food to mobilize voters to ...